About Chris Parry


By their nature, most companies hitting the public markets have between four and six months to establish their business model, tell their story, and generate a solid retail shareholder base. If they miss on any of those counts, things can become difficult, fast.

A lot of decent pubcos fail, not because they’re not doing actual business in the world, but because nobody knows about them. The stock price slides a little, early investors move on, and before you know it, the stock is too cheap to do a responsible financing. Without a raise, they can’t do any marketing, they can’t take advantage of growth opportunities, and now the company is fighting for its life.

We’ve seen it a thousand times.

The solution, however, is not to throw marketing dollars against the wall and hope something works.

The answer is legitimacy. And that’s OUR business model.


I’m Chris Parry. For over a decade, I’ve been an award winning journalist, a feature columnist, a muckraker, and a champion of real companies doing the hard work in Canada’s public markets. I sift through the paperwork and press releases and grill the CEOs to help you pick the darlings from the dumpster fires, and (hopefully) avoid putting too much trust in the wrong team.

My words have been seen in the Vancouver Sun and Province, the National Post, Spin, Playboy, GQ, Details, The Hollywood Reporter, Stockhouse, Seeking Alpha, Equity.Guru, CEO.ca, and more.

For CEOs and IR folk, I’m the guy who makes your story easier to understand, more riveting, less stuffy and more likely to draw attention. I break down complex technicals into 101 language, I make em laugh while they learn, and I profile you as a thought leader if you are, indeed, a leader of thought.

For investors, I’m the guy who talks to you like a friend sitting across from you in a pub, keeping it simple, keeping it honest, and working to make sure you’re not the one left holding the bag when the lights go out. Your attention is my product, so your financial wellbeing is the thing most important to my business.

You might lose on an investment – that’s inevitable. My job is to help you lose LESS OFTEN and find some gems you might otherwise have missed.


I don’t charge a subscription to readers. I don’t keep my content behind a wall. Everything I do and say, what we’re buying, what we’re selling, is open to y’all.

The way we pay the bills, is we charge public companies for our attention – not our favour – so that they’re exposed to you in a meaningful way, and we consult with them to ensure they are ready for prime time when we start talking about them.

If they do well, if they deliver on their promises, that’s a great deal for everyone.

And if they don’t, we want to be the first ones to let you know what happened, why it happened, what they’ve learned, and what they’re going to do to fix it.

When you read and view our content, you’ll find out very quickly that we’re not scared to tell the truth, even when it comes to a paid client, and that’s why I’ve never had to apologize for representing a company or been hauled in by regulators to explain myself.

As long as we’re honest, we’ll be around for a long time.


The public markets go up and down, and sometimes your investments will go likewise. That’s the game.

We can’t guarantee everything you buy will shoot the moon, nor that everything we represent will work out. The name of the game isn’t in binary wins and losses, but in lessening risk, holding executive teams accountable, and making sure you remember to take your profits.

But sometimes the best laid plans won’t work out. Nobody hits .1000. Plans change. Companies pivot. Wins shift to losses. They gave it a shot and got laid out. The market looked and decided ‘nah.’

When that happens, you’ll hear about it from us first, and if someone needs to be tarred and feathered, we’ll bring the tar.

If you’re looking for help in telling your story, either as a public company or a private group hoping to go public sometime soon, let’s talk – info@equity.guru.